
Posts Tagged ‘Stiletto’

couillard_dressRemember Julie Couillard, the woman who never received the Attire 101 memo and exposed a significant portion of her cleavage during the Canadian government swearing-in ceremony at Rideau House?  Her upper torso made all the newspapers. 

Previously I posted about Ms Couillard’s arrangement with Stéphane Sirois (Hells Angels) and how resolutely she brought down Maxime Bernier (Minister of Foreign Affairs) after he left secret government documents pertaining to Afghanistan in her apartment HERE.

Anyway the former “biker chick” moved on with her life.  Like many stiletto and Louis Vuitton wearing women before her she cashed in on the notoriety and published a tell-all memoir/book about her affair with the disgraced Mr. Bernier.  She secured a job at a Montreal radio station, and obtained invites to the so-called A-list parties to fill those long, cold nights.

julie_couillardAfter fading from the spotlight she has now decided to sell the provocative blue dress.  Yes, the same dress she was wearing as Maxim Bernier’s “date” (photo above) during the Conservative government’s swearing-in ceremony.  In the fashion industry this event has to be second only to the Lewinsky blue dress!  What is it about blue anyway?

I have no insight into motivation, but Ms Couillard’s new cause is a fashion show in the name of epilepsy.  It’s been reported that at the age of 12 Ms Couillard was diagnosed with epilepsy.  I’m no fashion expert, but it’s safe to assume the dress will sell for more than she paid for it and what great way to draw attention to herself (again), if that is her intention, and auctioning the dress off for a good cause.  Despite my opinion, what a stroke of genius it was donning that dress for her boyfriend’s swearing-in ceremony.  A brilliant marketing move on her part.  I can’t say that I blame her for exploiting her Outlaw Motorcycle “Club” relationships, her love affair with Bernier and others for fame and fortune. 

Is publicity a much too valuable commodity to be wasted on wannabes?

UPDATE: April 29, 2009 – Ms Couillard’s dress is auctioned for over $1000.

Photo courtesy Macleans.  A very detailed overview of Ms Couillard’s book is HERE.

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