
Posts Tagged ‘Remember’

screen-shot-2016-11-11-at-12-24-21-pmLong form content in a short form world is a novelty these days and I plan to keep this post brief.

I’m thinking about all the Veterans (and their families) today who have sacrificed so much for so many.

I’m eternally thankful.

A very big thank you to all those who have served and continue to serve.


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Military_ShipOn this Veterans Day we still feel the shock of the 13 who were killed and the 43 injured on the base of Fort Hood just 6 days ago.

I have not been injured or nearly killed by a roadside bomb in Iraq.  Nor do I personally understand the trials and long road to recovery that the injuries of war demand.  In war, these events are called battles.  In our own country, by the hand of an American soldier, these events are called a massacre.  The victims were hit not by an exploding IED, responsible for close to 85 percent of the injuries and deaths in Afghanistan, they were hit by bullets, dozens of shots fired from a pistol by a psychologically disturbed individual.  The victims of this tragedy are not only those who were physically harmed, but also their families, loved ones and comrades.  They will need our support, on Veterans Day, and beyond.

Today I say thank you as we commemorate, remember, and honor those who have put themselves in harm’s way for their country.

Photo take in Pearl Harbor, Honolulu, HI.

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