
Posts Tagged ‘canned’

It became evident today, that creative instincts, an innovation mindset, deep brand and consumer experience along with bottom-line orientation is no longer enough for Harley-Davidson executives.

I’m talking about Neil Grimmer (Twitter) — a San Francisco-area entrepreneur and previously, the Founder/CEO of a personalized nutrition life science company Habit, joined Harley-Davidson on April 5, 2019 as president of Harley’s global brand development.

200 days later it’s been reported by the Milwaukee Business Journal he is “no longer with the company.”  Of course that is an executive management euphemism for ‘You’re Fired’ — however, in the parlance of our times and to clarify he was — sacked, dumped, bounced out, canned, axed, eighty-sixed, let go, ran-off, given walking papers, given the pink slip, or given the old heave-ho.  To put a more cheery spin on it:  one could say he was “constructively discharged,” or “freed up for the future.”

In a memo to employees it was communicated that Harley-Davidson management received multiple complaints about Grimmer’s code of business conduct.   I’m being snarky, but apparently, those day-long seminars in workplace sensitivity never paid off?!

It’s been my experience that company execs get fired because of poor change management, maybe ignoring customers, or for tolerating low performers, or for denying reality or worse, for too much talk and not enough action.  But, it could be as simple as his ‘left coast‘ leadership style was just inappropriate for the MoCo’s particular culture.

I’m sure Mr. Grimmer is an extremely accomplished executive, but the reference by CEO Matt Levatich of multiple violations is a BIG deal.  The MoCo has a set of core values and principles along with a Code of Conduct HERE for employees and suppliers.

It’s not clear if Harley-Davidson has an executive non-fraternization policy, but clearly they prescribe to conducting business with honesty and integrity.  In addition, they prescribe to providing a workplace free of harassment based on personal characteristics and do not tolerate harassment of employees by managers or co-workers.

Harley-Davidson (HOG) stock was up today!


Harley-Davidson Code of Business Conduct:  HERE
Harley-Davidson Supplier Code of Conduct:  HERE

Photo courtesy of Harley-Davidson

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