
Posts Tagged ‘Long-term Unemployeed’

Flexible-WorkersWe read everyday how the economy is ever so slowly improving and there was some good news this week for the long-term unemployed.

According to news reports the motor company is hiring 400 temporary workers as part of a seasonal surge in production at the assembly plant in York, Pa.

York is where Harley-Davidson assembles heavy weight motorcycles.   You might recall the widely publicized dispute with the union a few years ago that allowed them to use “casual” workers to do some of the production work at all their existing plants.  A “casual” worker is a temp worker, not employed year ’round, to manage temporary high volume.

According to Harley spokeswoman Bernadette Lauer the jobs start at the end of January and run through the end of May with salaries ranging from $16.75 to $23.30 per hour.  To apply or request to be contacted visit H-Dflexibleworkforce.com.

Harley’s revenues are still well below their pre-crisis highs, but they get credit for revenues and unit sales which have enjoyed a nice bounce over the last year and there is new swagger in the brand.

Photo courtesy of H-D.

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